For 30 years, ProWein has been the only international wine and spirits trade fair that covers the entire world market in depth (all formats).

For this reason, in addition to the exhibitors, there are also international visitors who come to ProWein. Every year the public are in search of new vintages, the latest trends in the wine and spirits sector and new outstanding products for consumers.

* Exhibitors & Products at ProWein 2024 ***

About Bulk Wine in Argentina

Argentina is always a safe exhibitor, although its offer is very different each year depending on its economic reality.

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We find ourselves facing a special scenario. After three years in which the country lost a lot of market space, especially in the bulk market, this time the winds seem to push its growth in favor.

Three factors will determine this new promotion. First of all, the offer. After a 2023 harvest to be forgotten in terms of volume, the new harvest suggests that Argentina will be close to its average.

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Secondly, the demand. We refer specifically to internal demand. The country is going through a delicate situation that is strongly pushing down domestic consumption, historically close to 75% of all its production. With a depressed market, the wines available for the global market will increase. And a greater offer, better prices.

Finally, the terms of exchange. The country is beginning to experience a liberalization of the currency market, which will allow producers to receive the real price of the American currency for their exports, or at least (for the moment), a close number. In other words, real export prices will be more realistic to global demand, which will accelerate contracts and allow old projects to be reopened.

Prowein occurs at the right time. Argentine wineries are eager to make up for lost space, and global importers and retailers are eager to expand their South American wine offerings.

Of course, we will be too.
To make an appointment, do not hesitate to contact us!

Lost Valley
 Bulk Wines – Argentina.
Editorial * March 2024 ***